CSS Selectors


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As the name suggests CSS Selectors help in selecting the HTML elements that needs to be styled. To dive deeper Click Here

  1. Simple selectors
  2. Combinator selectors
  3. Psuedo-class selectors
  4. Pseudo-element selectors
  5. Attribute selectors

1) Simple selectors There are basic level selectors used to select HTML elements based on name, id, class.

  color: red;  /*  selects all p tags and change the color to Red  */
  color: blue;  /*  selects any the tag the contains id="para-id" and changes the color to bl
  color: green;  /* selects any tags that contains class="para-third" and applies green color*/
  color: black;  /* selects only the para tag that contains class="para-class"  and applies black color*/

Universal selector This selects all the elements inside HTML body tag and applies the provide CSS.

  color : lightblue; /*  every elements including/inside body tag with have text color of lightblue  */

Grouping selector It is a method of combining two or more name, id, class and apply styles to them.

h1, p, a{
  color : red; /*  This applies red color to all three h1, p, a*/

2) Combinator selector Combinator selectors helps in selecting the elements based on parent child relationship.

  • Descendant selector (space)
  • Child selector (>)
  • Adjacent sibling selector (+)
  • General sibling selector (~)

Descendant selector

div p{
  border : 1px solid black; /*  select all the p elemets inside the div element*/

Child selector

div > p {
  color : green; /*  selects all p elements which is the direct child of div element */

Adjacent sibling selector

div + p {
  color : blue; /* selects  the p element which is sibling and comes right next to div element*/

General sibling selector

div ~ p {
  color : purple; /* selects all p elements that are next siblings of a div element */

3) Psuedo-class selectors (:) Used to apply/change style to elements when the state of the element in modified/changed.

  background-color : blue ;
  background-color : transparent; /* When mouse is hovered over the button backgound becomes transparent */

There are more Pseudo-class selectors, For more selectors Check Here

4) Psuedo-element selectors (::) Used to apply/change style specific part of elements.

font-size : 10px;
font-size : 20px; /* Make first letter of p element bigger */

There are more Pseudo-element selectors, For more selectors Check Here

5) Attribute selector ([]) Helps selecting elements using attributes.

  padding : 10px; /*  Appies padding to input elements of type text*/

One can also create their own custom attributes to an element and use them as selector. Check Here

Happy Learning :)